LAB: Remote 2017

为了让更多的青少年们了解到编程,了解未来科技发展的趋势以及更好地保持竞争力,“来吧,远方 2017” 项目立志立足科技,以编程为核心在四川省华蓥中学开展各种支教及交流活动,将编程带入学生们之中。

Our project aims to expose students in less developed areas in China to basic coding skills as well as the importance of technology in the 21st century. We hope to equip them with reasonable understanding of coding and most importantly, to spark their interests in computer technology, a skill that is valued in this new economy, so that they will have more options when they enter the workforce.

13 Dec 2017 Day0: @重庆江北国际机场
